Destination Competitiveness In World Tourism

993 Words4 Pages
Tourism has become the new mantra globally, for creating employment, increasing tax receipts, empowering communities and developing backward regions. It is increasingly being viewed as the most potent tool to create and sustain prosperity. The UNWTO marking the observance of World Tourism Day on September 27, 2015 started the campaign “One Billion Tourists, One Billion Opportunities” spotlighting the transformative potential of tourism and its capability to address some of the world´s most pressing challenges, including socio-economic growth, inclusive development and environmental preservation. However, in order to harness these benefits of tourism, increasing the competitiveness of the destinations is the only way out. It is an increasingly…show more content…
This field of inquiry needs further investigations as the issue of destination competitiveness is an emerging field of study, results are not conclusive and the literature is not rich. This study makes important theoretical and methodological contributions as it adapts the existing theories and models of competitiveness to develop a suitable framework for measuring and enhancing tourism competitiveness of a region. In addition, questions remain unanswered regarding the role of tourism in promoting regional development as perceived by various stakeholders. It is so because the degree of involvement of stakeholders in the development of a destination depends on their perception of how it is going to benefit…show more content…
Consequently, the present study seeks to search for suitable dimensions and indicators for measuring destination competitiveness of a backward region and suggesting a framework for improving its competitiveness. A positivist approach was adopted to construct a Regional Tourism Competitiveness Index called BTCI and then suggest a strategic framework to enhance its competitiveness using a stakeholders’ perspective. The prime objective of this study to measure destination competitiveness of Bundelkhand for improving its performance arose from a belief articulated more than a century earlier by a prominent British scientist, Lord Kelvin: I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind. If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve

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