Language Questionnaire In Hindi

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Questionnaire: The researcher has prepared two Questionnaires, one for principals and one for teachers who teach Hindi in school. The details of the Questionnaire are explained as below: 1. Questionnaire for Principal: To keep in mind first objective Questionnaire was prepared carefully. Investigator framed Questions include open ended and close ended to get data from Principal. 2. Questionnaire for Teacher: To keep in mind second and third objectives of the present study investigator prepared Questionnaire. Investigator was framed Questions include open ended and close ended to get data from Teachers Data Collection: For data collection, permission was taken from principals of the sampled schools and school authority. The data was personally…show more content…
Most of the Schools had only char Teaching Learning Material. Most of the Schools are not organizing presentation by Scholars, it will give another effect on students because; from them students also want to develop same personality in his/her life. Most of the schools celebrate only Hindi day for Importance of Hindi language. Most of the schools promote students to take part in state level exams, and when investigator asked to the principals to give name of the students who had participated in examination then in some schools they have no data they had simple write the name of students. At a researcher point of view felt that we should maintain data which related to our institutions, its help to us as well others also. Most of Hindi teachers do not take part in seminars, Workshop and discussions organized by Educational Institutions. And it was found that school authorities are not encouraging teachers to take part in training organized by Educational Institutions. As we know that teacher should have update knowledge in the area of education, without attain any kind of training program teacher will not aware about what going on in surrounding. It was found that the textbook of Hindi subject is quite appropriate to the level…show more content…
Allotted period for Hindi subject is found to be enough for Hindi teaching. Most of the Hindi teachers do not use Audio-Visual aid for teaching Hindi. Most of the Schools do not have language corner for reading. Most of the Hindi teachers evaluate to the students by asking questions & by reading. In Classroom, It is found that most of the Hindi teachers organize Unit test. All the Hindi teachers had given Assignment & Project Work as a part of evaluation. Schools organizing Drama & Poetry recitation for evaluation. It is found that while reading Hindi students make mistakes in pronunciation and where to give proper stress on words. It is found that while writing in Hindi, Students make mistakes in full stop, coma, while making line on words. Most of the Students face problems regarding Vocabulary & influence of English. The investigator also found in her study that the student's do not put line on the top of words. They have poor vocabulary. Most of the teachers face problem that students do not have interest towards Hindi. When investigator was interacted with the teachers and asked questions that

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