Dantes Inferno

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Dante is said to be one of the most known Medieval authors, who published relevant works able to show how deeply he felt the social role of the artist and how he was involved in the political and philosophical debate of his century. Consequently, his political/philosophical thought, throughout the centuries, has been subjected to various metamorphosis, which are strongly connected with the political and ideological situations of the historical momentum in which they occurred. This thesis' aims to discover why activists and politicized authors such Foscolo, Rossetti and Valli, in a determined period of their life, re-intepreted Dante's oeuvre, whose readings stand out among all others of the same nature for their radical position and for a…show more content…
At same time, conversely both, Foscolo and Rossetti, emphasized the tragic consequences to which was subjected the Italian peninsula for the intrusion of the Roman Church in the fulfillment of the temporal power. In particular Rossetti's work aimed to a historical justification of the ideology of the Italian 'Carbonaria', the secret political society who took part in the process of Italian unification and in the further development of Italian nationalism, exerting a great influence on others revolutionary groups in Spain, France and Portugal. Foscolo's work on Dante was modified and published in London by another famous exile, Giuseppe Mazzini, who stressed further the political significance of Dante's ideology, making of him the ideological cornerstone of the Italian Risorgimento. From their particular point of view, these interpreters, highly politicized, assured to Dante an extraordinary popularity in England in 19th century. The esoteric interpretation of Dante's oeuvre was resumed again in the 20th century by Luigi Valli, who radicalized a trend interpretative that had been resumed in the
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