God's Justice: The Inferno By Dante Alighieri

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Nick Rogers Wakefield English 100 12 November 2014 God’s Justice Dante Alighieri’s The Inferno portrays a place of divine justice and love that transmits God’s ideal justice. In the beginning, Dante falls off his righteous path and is sent to navigate his way through Hell if he wants to return back to earth. Even though the soul of Dante’s favorite poet is there to help him, it is still a very daunting task. Every one of the circles in Hell conveyed God’s justice and they continuously get harsher as the journey continues. The most gruesome things imaginable stand in his way, and he has to be more determined than ever if he wants to emerge from the depths of Hell. The first circle sets the tone for how difficult this task will be and does…show more content…
The dynamic duo of Dante and Virgil approach a giant tower that is covered in flames and a muddy river filled with angered souls. They then reach the city of Dis, but are not allowed to enter. Dante is shocked and frightened that Virgil is not able to get them in: “O my dear Guide, who more than seven times hast rendered me security, and drawn me from imminent peril that before me stood…” (44). It seems as though all hope is lost for the two of them. Next, a group of three Furies encounter them and everything begins to unravel. The three call upon Medusa to come and turn Dante into stone. Luckily, Virgil is not frightened and wisely tells Dante to cover his eyes. Then suddenly a messenger from Heaven comes to rescue Dante and Virgil. Not only does he save Dante and Virgil from Medusa, but he also helps get them into the sixth circle of Hell. This is a predominant point in the journey, because it becomes very clear that any bit of power from Heaven is vastly greater than any of Hell. Chaos ensues for the sinners once the messenger appeared: “... more than a thousand ruined souls I saw, thus fleeing from before one who on foot was passing o’er the Styx with soles unwet... Well I perceived one sent from Heaven was he…” (49). This encounter has helped indicate that God’s perfect justice is conveyed in Hell, and that Heaven has much greater power. This will also be a recurring theme throughout the

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