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Andrew Schrock is a doctoral student at the University of Southern California's Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism; danah boyd is a visiting researcher at Harvard University's Law School, adjunct associate professor at the University of New South Wales, and senior researcher at Microsoft Research. Cyberbullying and online harassment are difficult to measure; depending on how it is defined, between 4 percent and 46 percent of American youths report being cyberbullied. Such acts are perpetrated with the intent of intimidation, embarrassment, or humiliation. About a third of all reported incidences of cyberbullying involve "distressing harassment," which can lead to depression, anxiety, and negative self-image. Overlap occurs in victimization and cyberbullying, and individuals who both bully and are bullied are especially prone to major psychosocial problems and challenges. Morever, youths who are…show more content…
Online harassment or "cyberbullying" has been defined as "an overt, intentional act of aggression towards another person online" or a "willful and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices". They may involve direct (such as chat or text messaging), semipublic (such as posting a harassing message on an e-mail list) or public communications (such as creating a website devoted to making fun of the victim). Outside of academic dialogue and discipline, these two terms are frequently used interchangeably, and they have some conceptual similarity. "Cyberstalking" is another term that captures online activities that may be related to harassment, but suffers from a similar lack of conceptual clarity, as definitions of cyberstalking vary widely. Researchers consider it variously as being an attempt to harass or control others online or understand it as an online extension of offline

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