Mahindra Logistics Summary

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Institute of Management Technology 2014-2016 Human Resource Management Project Report On HR Process and Policy Study of Mahindra Logistics Limited Submitted To – Submitted By – Prof.: Dr. Arun Prasad Siddharth Dixit 140201156 Sudipto Das 140201163 Suhas R Menon 140201164 Sukant Chaturvedi 140201165 Tanay Singh Rawat 140201167 Tarun Acharya 140201168 Organization Structure As mentioned earlier in the report, Mahindra logistics has around 3400 employees working directly with them and roughly 4800 employees working in association with them through third party contracts. Also as mentioned earlier, they have more than 200 large customers as of today. These are in two areas. Mahindra logistics functions with two business verticals.…show more content…
The major objective of recruitment is to bring in external talent into the organization. When looking at bringing in talent from the market that is from outside the organization a number of factors have to be considered. Mahindra logistics has their own set of factors that they consider essential to monitor and test before bringing a person on board with them. To name a few, the following are amongst what they consider important. • Prior organization the candidate worked with (what kind of an organization was it) • What was the candidate’s role in his/her last job in said prior organization • In what fashion did the person go about his/her job in their organization, what processes did he/she use • What was the person’s designation in their prior organization • What grade level did they fall into with that designation • How many years of experience does the person have in that particular industry and overall • What was the candidate’s overall compensation package like in their prior organization and how much are they expecting…show more content…
• The candidate is not fit for the industry altogether ( this kind of issue comes up for roles in operations majorly) • The candidate’s skill set and work experience are a mismatch • Time to interview was not sufficient to make a decision • Compensation agreement could not be reached They believe in asking a majority of open ended questions in their interviews as opposed to closed ended ones. They believe that the opportunity that the open ended questions provide to the interviewees in terms of explain and expressing help them make much better judgments of who the candidate really is and whether or not they might suit and fir the role they are applying for well. For middle level recruits, Mahindra Logistics Limited uses a test called 16PF. Whereas for the senior level recruits they are now experimenting with a test known as Strength Finder. The use of the Balanced Scorecard also provides a keen sense of what areas might require fresh faces. This practice was adopted by • The Mahindra group in

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