Cultural Differences In Thai Culture

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In the information age where there is plenty of chance to educate oneself about significant others, being able to communicate effectively can still be a challenge. In present, despite having circumstances where we have various parties speaking a common language, there persists a prevalent issue of misunderstanding resulting from cultural differences. This is mainly that many are ignorant, and of those that are not, they lack experiences with other parties. As globalisation continues to emerge and play a major role in life, it is important for individuals to start to realise how much it could affect them considerably. There have been many instances where the outcome of conversations and discussions are being solely determined simply from the…show more content…
This highlights the loose societal state where Canadians values individualistic properties, such as self-sufficiency and personal independence. People tend to care about themselves and their own family. In the world of business, there is no limit to their power to negotiate as long as they have enough support to back them up. In contrast, Thailand tends to lean more towards collectivism as they scored a 20 on a scale on which the higher the score is, the more individualistic they would be (Barr, 2004). Thai people form a long-term relationship in terms of family. In Thai culture, people worship and value people in higher status than them and at times the collectivist cultural influence keeps them from attempting to be outstanding when compared to their peers, in which it counted toward business world (Pimpa, 2012). 
 The second difference between these two cultures is that of low context and high context culture. Canada is a low context culture where, in meeting each other, people can predict the meaning of a person whom they are talking by carefully observing their verbal…show more content…
In reality, people could be successful through motivation and drive because they have low power distance in term of wealth and status (Neuliep, 2011). However, Thai people are more likely to be in high context categories where social status comes into play. The hierarchy that is present, where individuals hold high respect for others higher in status or position. The Thais grew up to understand the boundaries and constrains imposed while being in such a context, therefore consciously adapting to fit within social norms. Thai people have the unique greeting called “Wai” which is divided into various forms to meet a certain class of people. They observe a strict chain of command and protocol through the ranks where each has its own privileges. Interpreting from this information, Canadians are more open in conversations, with little emphasis on context, which can be deeply rooted in Asian countries such as Thailand itself. They can feel restricted when dealing with rules and traditions, as they are used to the freedom of

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