Cultural Differences

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2.7.3. Cultural and language differences Cultural differences Culture may be defined as the beliefs, value, and behavior and material objects shared by particular people. Marcionis saied that ; Sociologists distinguish between non- material culture, which means the intangible, creation of human society such as ideas and beliefs. Material culture, the tangible product of human society that is concrete expression of ideas and beliefs. Culture is a way of life that a number of people have in common (1987:62). As of, (Gidden, 2005), understanding and explanations, culture plays an important role in continuing the valves and norms of society, yet it also offers important chance for creativity and change. Almost most society and family…show more content…
As,( Ember 1990), culture is learned and commonly shared among families and members of society. According to, (Gudykunst,1985),as a result of cultural difference among cultural groups, cultural conflict could be occurred because of language barriers, non-verbal encoding and decoding difference, value difference and intercultural misunderstanding. According to, (Gudykunst ,et al.,1985), culture is attractive of system of symbols that refers to symbolic descriptions, signs, words and any non-verbal representation of reality. Culture connotes human thoughtful process of awareness, understanding, and appearance. Human understanding is within the culture intercultural understanding is made possible when the interpretive processes between two individuals are in close association or estimate of one another. As, (Kraft, 1996), the family is one form or the primary unity of human culture and societal. There are no known societies without some sort of family. It is the basic unity in which economic, educational and social functions are carried out and taught both among the families of different cultural groups or the families of the same culture. Therefore, family communication among different cultural group is one of the impacted or the factor that affects…show more content…
It is another main content of family communication among families of different cultural groups to understanding each other among family members. We live in a symbolic world and interact chiefly through figurative communication that is through language. Language gives meaning to the people, objects, events and thoughts of our lives. In fact language reflects and often determines our reality (Newman, 2006). Language is a key tool in construction of society as well as among family members. Language is the central components of the practice, values and beliefs that make up any types of culture and cannot be separated. Any culture does not exist apart from language. Culture inherited and gathering of practices and beliefs that determines the quality our lives. According to, (Henslin, 2009), language is the primary way in which people communicate with one another. As mentioned language allows culture to exist, its significance for human life is difficult to outstate. The effects of language are; language allows human experience to be cumulative, language provides a social or shared past, language provides a social or share future, language allows share perspectives and language allows, share goal directed behavior (Henslin,et al,. 2009). In the process of family communication both in the same and family from different culture groups, language is one of the contents of family communication as central issues
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