Witchlanders By Lena Witchley Analysis

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Harish Vidyasakar Mr. Blake ENG1D-B December 5, 2014 Human beings are complex. Part of the complexity of humans is the need for interaction. Interaction between humans lead to many great inventions and explorations in the human history. Human interaction moves this world through many struggles. Friendship is what lifts up the community and also gives meaning to life. Friendship is not only sharing but also a thought of wellbeing of each other. A great example of friendship is in the book, Witchlanders. As there are many examples in the society of friendship as there are in the world of literature. Witchlanders by Lena Coakley is an excellent read. Witchlanders is an excellent read and this is because of certain story elements which include…show more content…
To start, Witchlanders is an excellent read and this is because of the message the author wants to convey. The author want to convey the message of friendship when one of main characters, Ryder, says “‘[i]n the past two days, there have been so many times when you could have killed me,’ . . . ‘How can I take you to the witches now? You’re right. They’d slaughter you in a moment. I can see who you are in a way they never could’” which tightens the friendship between Ryder and Falpian (227). The novel is an excellent read and this is because of the message the author wants to convey, which is extraordinary since two friends from different backgrounds and ancestry enmity come together to reunite their two lands. Next, Witchlanders is an excellent and this is because of the main theme and its importance towards today’s society. Friendship makes you and your voice stronger just like Ryder “and Falpian . . . , their voices stronger than the beast’s attraction. They stood side by side” protecting each other from whatever the world could throw at them (362). The novel is an excellent read and this is because of the main theme and its importance in today’s society, which is to set aside their differences and move towards a positive achievement. Last, Witchlanders is an excellent read and this is because of the main theme and why this theme is of interest to high school students. Falpian risks his life to save Ryder and when they sing together “Ryder could feel that their voices together dwarfed the magic of the humming stone” (245). The novel is an excellent read and this is because of the main theme and why this theme is of interest to students which is that friendship can defeat anything. Witchlanders is an excellent read and this is because of the main theme, what

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