Creative Narrative: The Night Of The Night

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The blazing medallion in the vast blue skies filled with singing birds welcomed me with a warm hug. The breezy wind danced around me as I rested under the fragrant, ever-blooming tree surrounded by dancing lovely multicolored flowers. Feeling pacified, I took out my favorite pencil, some colors and my sketch pad filled with my imaginations from my bag and started sketching the stunning scenery and put my thoughts and expressions onto it. After 3 to 4 hours later, It was getting dark and then, I began to feel weary. So, I stood up and stretched a bit to wake me up a little, as I stretched I thought I might have seen some kind of creature in the corner of my eye. I couldn't see it very well, so I rubbed my eyes and cleaned my glasses so my…show more content…
With an unwelcoming feeling I was begging to feel very paranoid. I stopped for a minute and sat down to take a rest. I looked around and I started seeing eyes on the trees looking at me, and strange shadows crawling to me. I got nervous and petrified and panicked, I moved backwards as I was sitting and shook my head and pinched myself to see if I was hallucinating or not. The hallucinations that I saw vanish from my sight. I took a deep breath to calm down, the white fox helped me get up from the ground and proceeded to escort it to where it had desired to lead…show more content…
"Them? what?" I asked confused. "Are you one of the people of Verbündete" she asks sounding angry, pointing the spear even closer to me. "Um. what? A fox just led me to this tree which had a secret passage and fell into the hole. I have no idea what you're talking about!" I said, panicking while closing one of my eyes and stepping backwards. "Any reason why you're here?" The stranger says. "I really don't know why I'm here, I just followed this fox" I said pointing at the white fox. "White fox huh? So you really didn't know what happened. Alright then. Nice to meet you. " the strange person exclaims with a nice tone drawing back the spear she was

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