Stress Theory

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person does not have the ability or resources needed to cope with the event. Susan Flock man and Lazarus (1984) proposed there types of appraisals for stressful situation. When a person exposed to a new situation or environment, the primary appraisal activates and the situation can be judged as positive, irrelevant or strongly stressful. The person’s appraisal of the situation is an important key factor to stress concept rather than situation itself of Lazarus theory. During the process of secondary appraisal, the individual examines the potential options for handling the potentially stressful event. Secondary appraisal determines the person’s ability to handle, control, or cope with the new environment or situation. The final type of appraisal…show more content…
The response oriented approach describes how stress is reacted to and how people function under stress the physiological and psychological symptoms are not unique to stress (Pestonjee, 1992). It also describes stress in form of the individual’s response to a threatening or disturbing stimulus (Bemansour, 1998; Rout and Rout, 2002). This model focuses on physiological, psychological and behavioural responses which may appear as consequences of stress (Wilson and Hall, 2002). The response oriented method of approach to stress phenomena visualizes the reactions of the body organisms are depended according to the environment. c) Interactional and Transactional Model of Stress: This model focuses on the relationship between the individual and the environment and the relationship basis on cognitive model proposed by Lazurus and Flockman (1984). The interactional model of stress is a psychological based approach which views stress as an individual prodigy which is both interactive and situational (Rout and Rout, 2002; Wilson and Hall, 2002) and means that different persons, when encounter with the same situation respond…show more content…
Pestonjee (1992) has outlined three important sectors of life from which stress may arise: job and organization, social sector and intra psychic sector. Brown (1984) has listed five categories of sources of stress: customary life events, unexpected life events, progressive, accumulating situational events, personality’s glitches, value dependent traits. Likewise, Taylor (1995) has concluded that there are three major antecedent sources of stressful behavior: stressful life events, stress in work place and work stress and families. In the present inventory, attempts have been made to assess those stresses which do a rise from personal events of life. Sixty three life events are identified that induce stress and the stimuli of the stress are environmental stressors, social stressors, psychological stressors, physical stressors, economical stressors, natural stressors (Holmes and Rahe, 1967). Several factors cause stress. Three major categories of stressors are classified (Desai, 1999; Cohen et al., 1995) in which the physiological domains consist genetic and congenital factors, life experience, biological rhythms, sleep, posture, diet, fatigue, muscular tension, and diseases of adaptation. Environmental stressors consist of those factors which originate from the environment like ambient environment, physical events, social events, and biotic events. The psychological causes comprise nine elements; perception, emotion, situation,

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