Coping Strategy

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2.2 COPING STRATEGIES Coping is described as strategies used to mitigate or tolerate physical, emotional, or financial stress Folkman & Lazarus (1980). Carver and Scheier (1994) stated that the coping strategies an individual uses might be relative to the stages, or phases, of a stressful situation. A.H. Maslow identified three main coping strategies: problem solving, avoiding problems. In addition, search for social support. Then R.S.Lazarus (1966); S.Folkman (1979); R.R.McCrae (1984); B.E.Compas, C.J.Forsythe, B.N.Wagner (1988); H.Kossler, D.H.Rost, E.J.Schemer (1989); N.Bolger, J.H.Amirkhan (1990); S.E.Hobfoll, C.L.Dunahoo, Y.Ben-Porath, J.Monnier (1994); C.M.Aldwin, A.Taylor, E.A.Skinner, M.J.Zimmer-Gembeck (2007, 2010, 2011) continued…show more content…
These are confrontation, seeking social support, planned problem solving, self-control, and accepting responsibility, distancing, positive reappraisal, and escape / avoidance. In India, handful studies conducted related to stress and coping strategy were focused on stress among nurses, international hospital students, hospital health professionals, medical students and among pre-science students (Emilia1 ZA, Noor Hassim I. 2007).Kang YS, Choi SY, Ryu E (2009) tested that a stress coping program based on mindfulness meditation was an effective intervention for nursing students to decrease their stress and anxiety and could be used to manage stress with students. Evans and Kelly and Dewe found a range of coping strategies similar to our results which were described by the participants such as: talking to significant people or practicing some activities such as resting, sleeping, and reading, walking or praying(Evans W, Kelly B. 2004; Dewe PJ. 1987).Zeidner and Saklofske mentioned the following criteria for determining the effectiveness of stress coping strategies: resolution of the conflict or stressful situation, reduction of psychological distress, normative social functioning, returning to pre-stress activities, well-being of self and others affected by the situations,…show more content…
“The term ‘Coping’ is used to denote the way of dealing with Stress, or the effort to master the conditions of harm. Threat, challenges when a routine or automatic response is not readily available” (Lazarus 1974a). Scale developed by Lazarus and Folk man (1984) was used to measure level of coping strategy of the respondents. The examination of moderator effects has a long and important history in a variety of research areas (Aguinis, 2004; Aiken & West, 1991). Baron, R. & Kenny, D. (1986) the moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: Conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations used moderator Stern, G.S.; Mc Cants, T.R. &Pettine, P.W. (1982) the relative contribution of controllable and uncontrollable life events to stress and illnes. The strength and form of a relation between two variables may depend on the value of a moderating variable. Coping strategy scale developed by Lazarus and Folk man (1984) was used to measure level of coping strategy of the respondents. A moderator is a variable that modifies the form or strength of the relation between an independent and a dependent
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