Cardio Vascular Disease Case Study

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Paper No. F14- Therapeutic Nutrition F14TN32- CONTRIBUTING FACTORS FOR CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES 1. Introduction Cardio vascular disease is a term that outlines a range of conditions affecting the heart and blood vessels. The first alarm of an underlying disease is the heart attack and stroke. The majority of cardiovascular diseases occur as a result of risk factors that can be controlled, treated or managed, such as cholesterol, hypertension, malnutrition causing over weight and obesity, tobacco usage, physical inactivity and diabetes mellitus. 2. 0bjectives  Explains the concept of cardiovascular diseases.  Understand the contributing factors for CVD. 3. Cardio vascular diseases The contribution to cardio vascular diseases is 13 per cent…show more content…
If carbohydrate is replaced by linoleic acid the predominant dietary omega 6- poly unsaturated fatty acids, LDL cholesterol is lowered and HDL cholesterol level is increased. Stereoisomers (trans form) of the naturally occurring cis- linoleic acid are produced in the hydrogenation process and are widely used in the food industry for hardening of unsaturated oils and soft margarines. Increased intake (6 per cent) energy increases the level of LDL and lowers the HDL cholesterol level. 4.2 Category II 4.2.1 Diabetes Diabetes is not only a disease but also a risk factor that may lead to CVD. Both types o diabetes mellitus increase the incidence of coronary heart disease in early ages. The major mortality caused in people with diabetes is due to atherosclerosis. The increased incidence of CHD in diabetic patients may also responsible to other risk factors such as dyslipidemia, hypertension and obesity. 4.2.2 Physical inactivity The physical inactivity or low level of fitness is an independent risk factor of coronary heart disease. It is mostly related to sedentary lifestyle where the risk is two times more when compared to active…show more content…
It is a sharp indicator of asymptomatic diseases observed by ultrasound than other lipoprotein. Low HDL cholesterol has reported to increase the risk of coronary artery stenosis. The simultaneous decrease of LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol has been reported to decrease the risk of coronary heart disease in middle age (34 per cent). 1 mg increase in HDL decreases coronary heart disease risk by 2 to 3 per cent. The normal HDL level is considered at ≥ 60 mg/dl and level below 40 mg/dl is considered as a risk factor. HDL performs various other function like the process of reverse cholesterol transport that helps rid the body of cholesterol by transporting excess cholesterol from membranes to triglyceride rich lipo proteins which are removed by liver receptors. This prevents the accumulation of lipids in the arterial

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