Disability In Tanzania Case Study

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Background of the Problem In the pre colonial period the special attention is directed to women children the youth and disabled person and such opportunity was available during pre colonial period education court become restricted during the colonial with the introduction of an elitist school .However during the pre colonial period the disabled person have right like everyone. Also during the pre colonial period the disabled person was prohibited from entering the royal burial enclosure or from coming into contract with the most important royal charms. For example the disabled person was not help by the famine early in his reign caused by locusts in 1932 and then drought in 1933. During colonial period for the most part the treatment and…show more content…
On that juncture start the Universal Declaration of Human Right provided fundamental ingredients to be appreciated and respected by difference word to day the provision adopted under the universal declaration of human right are contained under the customary international law, each national has obliged to follow. Tanzania like other countries in the word has joined the effort to promote the right of people with disabilities. Also person with disabilities in Tanzania have since 1960’s been excluded from most government services, creating a dependency syndrome, which discriminate and segregates them from mainstream society. since her independence in 1961, Tanzania has been striving through its social welfare department to provide service for person with disability. In 1964 the government emphasized that provision of social service to entire population was one of the government major priority while the Arusha declaration in 1967 made service to disable person a national responsibility although not explicitly mentioning them 1975 in its circular addressed to all regional commissioner directed that services to person with disabilities should provided in their communities except person with disabilities had no supportive

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