Mental Health Executive Summary

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The three models are different because they address three unique populations of patients. The hospital in its early history identified that those patients needing a step down in services may be better served in a long-term care environment such as a skilled nursing facility. Or chronically ill and or terminal patients could be further segmented into a patient population that simply needed rehabilitation to regain their independence or assistance with daily activities for living could be discharged home with external services. Hospital beds were needed to cure and treat acute chronic illnesses which required short term stays. The delivery of mental health is also separate because it addresses a segment of the population that is still again uniquely different from those in the acute care or long term care setting. Yet, a document released by the World Health Federation of Mental Health and Chronic Physical Illness provides evidence that that correlate chronic illnesses with mental health and the need for better intergraded care “ (Ely, 2015, p. 193).…show more content…
Integration of services “ensures that the population as a whole has access to the [additional services including] mental healthcare they need” (Funk, Saraceno, Drew & Fayd, 2008, p. 5). Once the patient is diagnosed and symptoms of the illness are appropriately addressed; the next step is to dig deeper to identify possible root cause of health illness using behavioral health evidence as a guide to rule out co-morbidities such as depression that could lead to additional cost because the patient may take longer to heal or possibly be readmitted to the hospital for the same or similar

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