3 Types Of Ethical Reasoning

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8. ETHICAL REASONING Ethical reasoning is an act that integrates ethical question into intellectual work required. It is the ability to identify, assess, and develop ethical arguments from different ethical positions. It pertains to the rights and wrongs of human conduct. TYPES OF ETHICAL REASONING • Utilitarian: this type of reasoning believes that morally right course of action in any situation produces the greatest balance of benefits over harms for everyone affected. It believes in action producing maximum benefits for everyone. • Egoism: this type of reasoning believes morally right course of action in any situation is the one that produces the greatest balance of benefits over harms for individual. It believes in action producing maximum…show more content…
It does not see consequences as a measure of morality, but focuses on fulfilling duty to a moral code, and the duty is held as the only intrinsic good. • Relativism: believes that morality is relative to the norms of one’s culture. The action is determined right or wrong based on the moral norms of the society in which it is practiced. Does not recognize individual and universal moral beliefs for the social norm. • Justice: believes everyone should be treated equally unless there is sufficient reason to treat anyone differently. The criteria to justify differential treatment are numerous and controversial, making it difficult to apply to practice. METHODS OF ETHICAL REASONING • Virtues: character and values are critical determining factors • Utilitarian: benefits and costs of a decision are compared, action or policy. Benefits and costs can be economic, human or social • Rights: person or group is entitled to something like right to life, safety and due process or to be treated in a certain way. • Justice: distributing burdens and benefits equally according to accepted rules. CRITERIA FOR ETHICAL REASONING There 3 criteria that can be used in ethical…show more content…
• The nurse should be responsible and accountable for her own actions, including unintended outcomes, which should have been foreseen. • The nurse is responsible for starting, maintaining and ending the relationship in a way that it ensures client’s needs are first. • The nurse do not enter into a friendship, romantic or sexual relationship with the clients • The nurse do not act as representatives for clients under power of attorney or representation agreements. • The nurse generally should not exchange gifts with clients, except when it has therapeutic intent, a group of nurses may give or receive a token gift. • The nurse should not disclose intimate details or give long descriptions of your personal experience. • UNDERSTANDING

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