Hammurabi Research Paper

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Hammurabi was the king of Babylon for 42 years. He inherited rule of Babylon from his father Sin-Muballit in 1792 B.C. Babylon was one of the many largely Amorite ruled city-states that was around the central and southern Mesopotamian plains and waged war on one another for control of fertile land. Many cultures existed in Mesopotamia, but Babylonian culture gained a degree of prominence among the literate classes in the Middle East under Hammurabi. The kings before Hammurabi founded a minor city-state in 1894 B.C. This city-state controlled little territory outside the city itself. Babylon had been overshadowed by much more powerful kingdoms like Elam, and Assyria for a century or so after it was founded. Hammurabi's father however had begun to consolidate rule over a small area of southern Mesopotamia, and by the time of his reign had conquered three minor city-states: Borsippa, Kish, and Sippar.…show more content…
In just a few years Hammurabi had succeeded in uniting all of Mesopotamia under his rule. The Assyrian kingdom survived but was forced to pay tribute to his reign. Large numbers of contract tablets, dated to the reigns of Hammurabi and his successors, have been discovered as well as 55 of his own letters. These letters give us an idea of the daily trials of ruling an empire and the enormous load of tasks that come along with it. Hammurabi died and passed the empire along to his son Samsu-iluna in 1750 BC, under whose rule the Babylonian empire began to quickly unravel. Under his rule the Babylonian Empire started to fall apart. In northern Mesopotamia both the Amorites and Babylonians were driven from Assyria by Puzur-sin a native Akkadian speaking ruler, circa 1750 BC. Hammurabi is the creator of Hammurabi's Code influencing many people later in time including modern day

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