Consumer Behavior Activities

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Consumer Behavior: Consumer behavior a thorough research study about how and why consumers buy and how they use it is thus a process of understanding how consumer’s need is developed ,their information search where they are conflicted with a huge range of product mixes and finally their desired product choice delight and long-term relation built there in. So as far consumer behavioris the study of consumer activities of obtaining goods, consuming it and finally disposing it. All those three activities fall in consumer behavior. Activities of consumer: i. Obtaining: Activities that consumer elicit for obtaining product or service including even the activities leading to the product or acquiring information regarding the consumable good,…show more content…
Consuming: Refers to the consumers style of consumption whether he consumers the product in home or office etc. Consuming activities revolves around consumers that how, when and under what situation consumers consume the product. Do they consume it whole or some of it. Do they use it by following instructions or use it on their own unique ways. iii. Disposing: Is the activity that how consumers dispose the product and the packaging. Whether they consume it full and dispose it or dispose some of it and are the product biodegradable or can be recycled or it gets disposable once used or they exceed the life of product by handing them down to children or donate them etc. Background of industry of Oral Care: The oral hygiene was top priority of in the oldest society as early as 5000 BC. The Egyptians were the first to create or invent toothpaste consisting of mint, crushed rock salt, dried iris flowers and pepper mixed together. Toothpaste has a dynamic market in world wide. Increased sales in oral hygiene products have increased because consumer’s awareness regarding oral hygiene has increased. The use of gutka, nsawar, pan, cigarette, sheesha and tobacco etc. has increased in Pakistan. Pakistan is counted for the highest in mouth cancer in the…show more content…
They initiated with a vegetable oil factory in the town of Rahim Yar Khan in 1958 and that was the first Unilever Pakistan limited manufacturing facility developed. Now it has four factories at different locations all around Pakistan and it contributes a handsome amount of money in the countries taxes. Unilever Pakistan is currently employing a large number of managers and workers. The Unilever Pakistan limited head office was shifted from Rahim Yar Khan to Karachi in the year 1960’s. Pepsodent knows that twice a day brushing is critical in staying healthy and away from oral diseases and germs that cause them. Pepsodent toothpaste fights germs to protect teeth against cavities and gives strong teeth, fresh breath and healthy gums. Range: - 1. Pepsodent Germi- check, 2. Pepsodent herbal, 3. Pepsodent sensitive 4. Pepsodent complete 8. History OF Pepsodent:- When It Was Introduced In Pakistan Unilever introduced Pepsodent in Pakistan on December
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