THE ISLAMIC EMBRACE OF ADVERTISING: A STUDY OF TV ADVERTISING FRAMEWORKS OF SELECTED OIC COUNTRIES USING THE HIERARCHY OF INFLUENCES MODEL by, Dr. Aida Mokhtar, Dr. Selvarajah Tharmalingam, and, Dr. Sofiah Samsudin International Islamic University Malaysia INTRODUCTION When Islam and life are intertwined for Muslims who are guided by the Islamic principle ‘enjoining good and forbidding evil’, the inculcation of Islamic values in the production of advertising messages for the Muslim audience is crucial
The sterile smell of antiseptic fills the bleak, white walled room. Imagine that you are sitting next to your 35 year old your sister, a fit, bubbling, lawyer in her prime, absorbing everything you can: the sweet smell of her apple shampoo, her radiant smile, and her crisp green eyes that seem as if they are looking into your soul. Your sister’s bubbling with excitement, going on and on about the great day ahead. But she’s not being released from the hospital. Not getting taken off of the machines