Consumer Loyalty Case Study

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The theoretical overview presented leads us to the research question of this study: The impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Consumer Behavior –consumer Loyalty in China In order to answer this question, we take the final step in examining the relationship between perceived CSR and the antecedents of customer loyalty. Next, we propose four hypotheses based on current research that we will test. CSR and Trust According to Bhattacharya & Sen (2003), strong customer-company relationships often result from customers’ identification with those companies, which helps them satisfy one or more important self-definitional needs. A positive and favorably image can be created by good corporate social behavior, leading to improved attitude…show more content…
This relationship, according to Carrigan & Attalla (2001), works through association and is therefore subject to the consumers’ personal preferences, attitudes and experiences from the past. Research by Bhattacharya & Sen (2004) supports this notion. Empirical validation of these findings consists of a relatively small body of research. Therefore, considering the context of this study, this thesis argue that this theory requires further examination to test whether this relationship is indeed significantly strong. The purpose aim to test this matter by posing the following…show more content…
Brown & Dacin (1997) further state that positive CSR associations lead to positive evaluations of the firm and consequently have positive effects on product evaluation and satisfaction. Similarly, negative associations (for example unethical company behavior) lead to negative evaluations of the firm and the product satisfaction. Folkes & Kamins (1999) also proved that providing positive CSR information to the customer, positive associations can lead to positive customer behavior. In their research, however, Sen & Bhattacharya (2001) found that a positive company evaluation is only triggered by CSR if the person highly identifies with the company. Furthermore, they state that a consumers’ company evaluation is more sensitive to negative CSR information than to positive CSR information (Sen & Bhattacharya, 2001). Summarized, CSR may positively influence customer satisfaction State of the Art The relationship between corporate socially responsible behavior and customer satisfaction has been extensively studied. The notion that CSR activities positively influence customer trust is well accepted. Research as presented by Lichtenstein et al., (2004) support recognized earlier findings from Ross et al. (1992), Keller & Aaker (1992) and Maignan (1999). These theories are validated by empirical data. We consider the evidence subtracted from these empirical results to be a

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