Linear Vs Linear Economy Model

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Form the 18th century, The “Linear economy model” is the most accepted version of economic model since the Industrial revolution. During the era of industrialisation stages, the raw materials were abundantly available for cheap prices and the linear economy model was the model of business due to the developing technologies. In fact this model manifested the growth of the material production, employment, cities development, living standard, profit and also for the demand for all goods. The fundamental principle of linear model is provided in Figure 1. By this economic model, the companies extracted the raw material from the resources and convert the raw material into products and distributes to the society. The customers of these products use them for a given time depending upon the product quality and type. Once the customer need ends or the life time of the product ends, the product disposed of as a waste ultimately. The only possible way to discard the disposed wastes either landfill or incineration. In this model, the attempt on the product or waste to extract or to recover the use full raw material is merely absent.…show more content…
Ultimately these factors motivated the manufactures to adopt the linear economy model, which used extensive raw materials, energy and more profit with less capital and human labour. Since the manufacturing companies focused towards the higher profit, they ultimately neglected the process of recycling, reusing and waste management methods. In supportive to that the government rules have also been never emphasised the issues to the manufacturing companies and no protocols followed related to the recycle, reuse and waste disposal

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