Congo Free State Imperialism

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Similarly, “Congo Free State” is connected to the Heart of Darkness because colonizers were thinking how to get more profits instead to help native. According to the text, “In 1887 the King granted to the Congo Industrial and Commercial Company a concession to construct a railway from the lower river to Stanley Pool… with a capital of 25 million francs, of which the Belgian government subscribed 10 millions” (112). This shows that the Belgian King had funded Congo to build railroads, which looks like it benefited the Congo because it improved the connection with the inner land and was convenient to travel from one place to another place. This is actually benefited to the Belgium because the railroads could help colonizers reduced the cost of transportation of raw materials, so they could gain more profits. Thus, this is connected to the Conrad’s text because colonizers were taking any means necessary to maximize their profits, which exposes the dark side of human nature. On the other side, in some cases, “Congo Free…show more content…
According to the text, “Civil and criminal codes have been promulgated by decrees, and in both cases the laws of Belgium have been adopted as the basis of legislation, and modified to suit the special requirements of the Free State” (105). This demonstrates that Belgium showed sympathy to the natives by helping Congo to establish constitutions and more equality, which benefits to Congo because Congo was an absolute monarch country that didn’t allow people to have rights. Moreover, according to the text, “…makes provision for the training of five hundred boys, who are recruited from those

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