Practical Training Experience

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First of all, I would like to be grateful to Allah S.W.T by reason of giving me chanced to finish my industrial training in fixed period and gave me a good health during the session. Finally this report is complete because of continuous and persistent effort. I would like to express the deepest appreciation to Tuan Haji Mat Sundari bin Suratman for giving me an opportunity to undergo my training course at FELCRA Berhad Kawasan Sri Mendapat. A big thank to my helpful supervisor Mr. Muhammad Nor Suzalmeey bin Ab Manaf because of the supervision and support that he gave truly help the progression and smoothness of the training program. The co-operation is much indeed appreciated. I am also thankful to Mr. Yahya bin Atan for sharing his knowledge…show more content…
These opportunities enable the students to test their career interests, enhanced their career goals, gained skills that are taught by employers, and increase their networking opportunities. The objective is when the students are given with a real task, they will be able to finish the job with a specification that had been set by the employee before the deadline thus it will increase self-esteem of the students. Besides that, practical training is also a step stone for the students to gain more knowledge in the field. It is also a foundation for the students to begin their career one day. It is important for the students to boost up their knowledge and increase their progress. For every students that undergo their practical training, a complete report about their practical training must be submitted to the faculty. A log book which is about their daily activities must also be completed and submitted to the university in order to complete their requirements to pass…show more content…
Every student must pass their internship before awarded a Degree. If the students fail their internship, they must repeat their practical training in order to graduate. The student will be placed at a certain firm which complies with the student courses to undergo their practical training. During the practical training student are bound by rules and regulation that had been set by the firm. Every order or task must be carried by the student. Practical training has certain objectives as follow: 1.3. Strategies/approaches used by students to achieve their all aims and targets i) Refer organizational materials to become familiar with the oil palm's policies, procedures, methods of operation, studying organizational charts, talking with staff members from various departments, observing interactions between departments, participate in all tasks. ii) Create a chemistry and work together between colleagues for a much better working environment. iii) Expand knowledge and understanding on how academic learning is applied in the organization’s activities or by asking how the theories that have been taught in the class is applied in a real

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