Fukushima Incident Case Study

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The caption “FEAR SPIKE” from The STAR newspaper dated Thursday 31st March 2011 triggered the biggest concern and apprehension regarding the safety of the cargos that are being brought into Malaysia. The incident was referring to the earthquake that happened in Japan which caused a disaster in the region of Fukushima. The nuclear power plant that is located in the area was affected. A leakage caused by the earthquake and tsunami at the nuclear power plant stirred a radiation crisis towards its surroundings. Consequently, the container that was bringing out the cargoes from the contaminated areas became an issue. The cargoes were brought away from the leakage of the nuclear power plant to other places or imported cargoes. This raised a concern…show more content…
This refers to the Fukushima Incident that was considered as a threat to the safety of the goods and food supply of the nation that could become potentially hazardous. Other treats that could become potentially hazardous to the security and safety are suspected parts for weapons of mass destruction or perilous consignment, contraband goods, undeclared radioactive consignment or contaminated consignment as reported by the local newspaper The STAR dated 22nd and 23rd March, 2011. This threat could be considered as a menace which could lead to a disaster to the safety of the community and nation. This concern is being reinforced by anecdotal opinion upon the issue of border vulnerability to deter smuggling activities as a threat which was expressed by the viewers of Malaysian newspaper, The STAR dated 13th February 2013. It was stated that the firecracker authorization is a mockery. This has set the purpose to regulate the movement of goods at the earliest stage of advent into Malaysia via Port Kelang as the premier international gateway by…show more content…
It is the first place of convergence between maritime and inland conveyers that manage and coordinate information and physical cargo and an integral part of the entire supply chain (Grainger, 2007; Carbone and De Martino, 2003). Forms of movement of goods and passengers have been experiencing regulatory areas on revenues Amassment, safety and security, environment and health, consumer aegis, and trade policy (Grainger, 2007). Customs as the gatekeeper will be the focal agency to enforce trade regulation with close cooperation from other competent agency pertaining to the control goods that move across the border. According to Lambert and Cooper (2001), supply chain members are those who were involved directly or indirectly from the point of inception to the final destination. They are that conventionally identified as those who involve in supply chain process, namely; shippers, consignee, forwarders, port ascendancy, another regime agencies and customs. This was supported by Donner and Kruk (2009) who noted that customs organization is one of the main role player in enhancing the supply chain security

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