Community Leadership Goals

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Impacting our community is a tough path that demands commitment, hard work, purpose, focus, and passion. It requires leadership abilities to create a continuous change and to fulfill a unique vision. I went through various experiences regarding school projects and community service. However, one the actions I took that will be unforgettable was teaching “Physics” to baccalaureate students who can’t afford to pay for private additional courses outside of school. Taking this initiative was very challenging to me because firstly I studying myself and secondly baccalaureate year is very critical to all students. This action was a very major responsibility and I learned a great deal from it. As a matter of fact, it took a considerable amount of…show more content…
I am now on a constant journey to be a better version of myself and to increase my leadership impact. I believe what I learned from my past experiences will enable me to demonstrate leadership potential in the United States. Through this program, I can participate in university clubs, events, and several activities. I would love to be part of debate club and Model United Nation so I can share my point of view and influence people by communicating effectively with them. I Plan to be part of many community activities especially the ones I am passionate about such as helping poor, enhancing quality education and spreading worldwide peace. I would love to volunteer in charity organization and take initiatives to help solve global problems. Definitely, I’ll make sure to spread my culture and my vision through local events.Sharing culture helps to promote tolerance and nurture the growth of new roots since it brings people together. Surely, I will socialize with different people so we can work together to reach shared goals and objectives. For me working in teams and enlarging my network will rise my potential to be a person people trust and listen to. Moreover, I would love to organize events such as Meet Ups or conferences for everyone from different ages where topics like sustainable development goals and how to contribute to them will be discussed. I believe that studying in the United States…show more content…
I have already started in this path but I would like to develop it and make it bigger. For me gaining an international experience will assist me in multiple ways. My aim is to enhance my country’s development through running several projects. I am willing to work on underdeveloped areas and to start new initiatives that tackle social issues. I have a vision of opening my own organization that attracts youth and social entrepreneurs to contribute to the success of our goals. We will run projects that deal with child care especially in elementary school; with unemployment and poverty. People in underdeveloped areas lack access to a pleasing quality of life, to education, and to opportunities. They need access to tools and improved practices that can provide a supportive environment to establish a strong workforce. I want to implement a program in these areas that evolve around the themes of entrepreneurial skills, innovation, and creativity. My vision is to empower youth, spread entrepreneurship education and nurture future leaders to take more initiatives for Tunisia prosperity. In fact, this program will play an important role to respond to youth unemployment problem. It will be a tremendous movement to call for people’s talent, creativity, values, social responsibility, and potential. Working on this vision shall be continuous and thus we must always keep inspiring and motivating individuals to peak

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