Blurred Aspirations

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I always believed I knew exactly what I wanted to do in life and where I wanted to attend college. I would become the next Elle Woods, a Harvard Law student with big dreams. However my life is no HollyWood movie. Aspirations like this take a lot of hard work and time to achieve. I would never sell myself short of my many accomplishments over the years, however I believe it is important to be realistic. All my life I have always reached for the stars, and beyond. However I had a blurred vision of what was actually attainable. Once I knew what I was capable of it really opened the doors to what I could actually achieve with my life. I have been set on law school for a great deal of time, however I now have a narrower path in which I plan to take. I plan to accomplish this through pursuit of community and leadership whilst exemplifying focus and persistence. I believe it is extremely important to contribute to ones community in any way possible. Wanting to major in Economics, then continue onto law school, will give me a well rounded base to end up in politics, like I desire. I know politics may have many controversies amongst people, however in the end I…show more content…
Being the first in my family to have a desire to enter into the world of politics, I will start at the bottom with basic campaigning, leadership, and a listening ear to those I intend to serve. Being involved in student government my whole school life I know what it takes to work up to the top position, and with my mentality I believe with effort, persistence, and time I will attain my desired role in the community. Working my way up the ladder will allow me to earn the ability to have more power to change and add new policies and laws that will ensure the well being of those in need, in prosperity, and in my

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