Comunicative Classroom Analysis

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Communication, at its base level, is the act of expression. Whether that involves conveying one’s feelings, opinions, or a myriad of possible emotions, language is the essential tool that makes expression possible. It can be verbal or non-verbal, subtle or complex, and is inherently social in nature. However, the primary function of language, no matter what form it takes, will always be that of expression. I, like many others no doubt, find myself in the all too familiar position of being a relatively new TESOL practitioner. The result of which, is my unfamiliarity with many of the central theories on the subject in comparison to my more experienced colleagues. Nevertheless, once I began to research the subject of communicative language…show more content…
Classroom goals are focused on all of the components on communicative competence and not restricted to grammatical or linguistic competence. 2. Language techniques are designed to engage learners in the pragmatic, authentic, functional use of language for meaningful purposes. Organizational language forms are not the central focus, but rather aspects of language that enable the learner to accomplish those purposes. 3. Fluency and accuracy are seen as complementary principles underlying communicative techniques. At times fluency may have to take on more importance than accuracy in order to keep learners meaningfully engaged in language use. 4. In the communicative classroom, students ultimately have to use the language, productively and receptively, in unrehearsed…show more content…
How do I use CLT strategies in an effort to help my learners communicate? As previously mentioned, I prefer to use a student-centred humanistic approach. I find that behaviourist strategies such as repetition, whilst ideal for beginners or young learners, do not promote intuitive thinking or self-reflection. My role as a university lecturer is ostensibly that of an educator, an important part of which is preparing students for the “real” world. Thinking for oneself and reflecting on one’s own personal experiences are useful activities in this regard, and should be promoted from an early age. As with most things, however, educational psychology is not a case of simply being “black and white”. The behaviourist approach of positive reinforcement undoubtedly echoes humanist sentiments, and if administered correctly, will usually result in enthusiastic learner engagement and increased contribution. An affirmative smile from the teacher, followed by verbal confirmation that the student has performed well will usually suffice. The teacher should be wary of diluting the effect of reinforcement by distributing constant praise,

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