Common Goods In Ancient Rome

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The Roman republic did many great things to meet the common goods in many different purposes of government. Those purposes of government include public services, protect rights, promote rule of law, prepare for a common defense, and support the economic system. I gave Rome an A when it came to public services. Roads, public baths, fire departments, aqueducts, postal services, and villas are all examples of the public services in ancient Rome. The aqueducts was a very good accomplishment in Rome. The aqueducts were very helpful in many ways, such as, carrying away diseases, a new discover that helped the citizens get water easier, and it maintained the water flow easily. It need need a lot of materials, specific supplies, and lots of work…show more content…
There were gladiators, slaves, patricians, and plebeians. Gladiators were trained warriors that other leveled gladiators for entertainment. They were usually recruited slaves or prisoners. Slavery was a normal part of the Roman society. Slaves would be found working for other families in a home or on a farm. Slaves would be sold around the marketplace. They would stand around and have signs around their necks include information on them and how much they were to be sold. Slaves did most of the work for the Roman citizens, yet they had few rights. They could earn money to pay for their freedom or their master would set them free. On the other hand, patricians were the ruling class of Rome. The patricians were the highest class level in Rome. The patricians were only a small percentage of the Roman population. They held all the power though. Plebeians, on the other hand, were the poor people who lived in Rome. They had no citizenship or many rights. The plebeians were the largest percentage of the Roman population. The plebeians included farmers, craftsmen, laborers, and soldiers. The plebeians did most of the work, like slaves did. The plebeians did the work for the patricians. The plebeians did not think this was fair. This explains why I gave Rome a C for protecting…show more content…
Rome's defense teams included the auxiliary soldiers, the Roman army, and the legionnaires. The auxiliary soldiers were specialized troops recruited by the empire from different regions. The auxiliary soldiers were not Roman citizens. The naval crews were also recruited from seafaring provinces. Auxiliary soldiers were usually stationed far from where they lived. They were paid a third of what the legionnaires got paid. After the completion of their jobs, they could be a Roman citizen. When they became a Roman citizen they got a well sum of money and land. The Roman army was developed by different tribes, including 1000 infantry and 100 cavalry. The army was usually called to the city when trouble started up. Poor Romans could be invited to be in the army, but you had to be 18 years old or 5 and ½ feet tall. A Roman soldier could serve for 25 years. The army broke into different groups when in battle. The Romans once defeated 250,000 Gauls with only 50,000 soldiers. The Roman army was highly structured. Legionnaires were the best kind of soldiers in the Romans army. Legionnaires earned about 300 denarii a year, but some of the money was kept for the army to use. The legionnaires were made up of 4,000 to 6,000 soldiers. This explains why I gave Rome a B when it comes to preparing for a common

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