Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Case Study

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According to the Mayo Clinic, cognitive-behavioral therapy or CBT is “a type of mental health counseling in which negative thoughts about differents aspects of life are challenged in order to change unwanted behavior patterns.” The purpose of CBT is to help the patients become aware of inaccurate or negative thinking patterns, thereby giving them the tools to respond more effectively to challenging or difficult situations in their lives. CBT is not restricted to patients with psychological disorders; it can be used to help any individual successfully and productively manage life situations which may be distressing. The Beck Institute noted that “cognitive behavior therapy…has been scientifically tested and found to be effective in hundreds…show more content…
Because it can explore painful feelings, emotions and experiences, it has a tendency to make you feel uncomfortable. You may cry, get upset or feel angry during a challenging session. Feeling physically drained is also a common side effect. Some forms of cognitive behavioral therapy, such as exposure therapy, occasionally requires you to confront situations that you would generally avoid or ignore. For example, if you have a fear of heights or of flying, you may be required to deal with airplanes. This can lead to temporary stress or anxiety. However, working with a skilled therapist will minimize any risks. The coping skills you learn while participating in CBT can help you overcome negative feelings and fears. (Mayo Clinic 2013) CBT is a goal-oriented, short-term treatment which effectively uses problem-solving to help change thinking patterns, behaviors, and emotions which prevent people and patients from doing the things they need, desire, or want to (Martin 2015). Many different problems can be addressed using CBT, from psychological disorders such as depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder to sleeping problems, relationship problems, or substance abuse (Martin 2015). CBT works by changing attitudes and beliefs through a focus on those thoughts and how they are related to…show more content…
Because the patients are taught to problem-solve on their own and change their own behaviors in stressful situations, the results of CBT may last longer and be more effective over the long term as well, preventing relapse in many cases. These studies have shown that CBT “helps bring about a real change that goes beyond just feeling better while the patient is in therapy,” according to Martin. Interpersonal therapy and social skills training can be equally as effective as CBT, and current thinking reveals a desire to match each patient with the type of therapy which best serves that patient’s needs (Martin). Requirements of CBT in a therapeutic environment are that the therapist has considerable expertise in this area; the client is prepared to very persistent and have a strong desire to change; and that the client can be open and brave about confronting issues, behaviors, and thoughts which may sabotage his or her daily life

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