Coconut Case Study

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The coconut is an important crop that has a strategic value for developing countries. It contributes food, security, improved nutrition, employment and income generation. In many countries, it accounts for 15% to 50% of export earnings. The coconut has high potential for food, shelter, industrial, medicine and energy uses and for environmental protection. It can be grown economically in harsh environments and will promote supportable farming systems in otherwise fragile coastal, island and in hilly ecosystems. Despite its huge potential in supporting developing countries, the coconut industry is surround by many problems, the major ones of which are low productivity and unstable markets. (Oropeza, 2013) Coconut is one of the most amazing…show more content…
There is also few study of budget and worse, no dedicated research institute such as those for coffee, palm oil, and rubber in such countries as Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam. The more than 4 million farm workers in the coconut regions should be trained to think of themselves as farm entrepreneurs producing different food crops in addition to coconut as well as being engage in other rural industries and services that can do very well in the coconut regions. The funds from the coco levy that the Supreme Court has decided belong to the coconut farmers. Billions of pesos can be budgeted in any extension of the agrarian reform law, should be utilized to build more infrastructures in the coconut regions. Especially irrigation facilities which are important if other food crops are to be grown in between the coconut trees. It is unfortunate that all efforts to provide the rural areas with irrigation facilities have been exclusively focused on the rice growing areas. (Pangilinan,…show more content…
Although abundant with coconut plantations, this is not a necessary amount to high productivity level. Studies show that productivity level remains low in majority of the coconut planting areas in the country. This, according to earlier studies, was attributed to the lack of information on appropriate technologies for coconut farming, continuing land transformation of agricultural areas into industries resulting to an immediate need to produce more on less available land hence, higher cost of production due to expensive chemical inputs. In a bid to reinvigorate the coconut industry and to provide farmers with better income, the Federation of Free Farmers (FFF), upon joining with the experts from the University of the Philippines Los Baños-National Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (UPLB-BIOTECH) and with funding from the Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Agricultural Research (DA-BAR), implemented the project, "Observing the Efficacy of Mykovam on Coconut Seedling in Coconut Farm Development Program (CFDP) Anchor Farms". Mykovam is a fungi-based bio-fertilizer developed by UPLB-BIOTECH. This mycorrhizal innoculant is composed of spores, infected roots and other infective propagules of endomycorrhizal fungi. The project, implemented in November 2008, was specifically aimed to document the effectivity of Mykovam on coconut seedlings and trees under field conditions in various parts

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