Socialisation And Socialization

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The average American in 2012 had a higher IQ than 95 percent of the population had in 19001 (Winnerman, March 2013). People today on average know enough vocabulary to mimic the speech of only the cultural elite of the 1900s (Winerman, March 2013)2. Following the Flynn Effect, IQ scores are bound to increase over the years, and in different geographical regions (Winnerman March 2013)3. However, IQ scores are flawed indicators of intelligence, as the tests may vary over time. We may attribute socialization to be an important determinant of one’s intelligence, as it is a strong and important foundation for an individual’s role in society. "Socialization is the lifelong process of inheriting and disseminating norms, customs and ideologies,…show more content…
It’s a process that goes on along a person’s life, and is very essential at a young age. It takes place at birth where values, norms, behaviors are passed on to infants or mimicked by them. This process determines our adult lives. We may distinguish between two kinds of socialization: primary and secondary socialization. The former, happens amongst immediate family and school. Infants, children would learn vital values, behaviors and norms that would shape their whole lives as well as the roles they may occupy in society. The latter, would be due to friends, peers, social groups and mass media. Secondary socialization would go on more during one’s lifetime because we tend to make new friends, find new interests and activities in which we partake. The previous means of socialization have been digitized and modernized. Nursery rhymes, playground games, bedtime stories, numerous questions from infants to their parents are all part of primary socialization. These are essential to stimulating cognitive thinking and relation skills between kids. However the digitization of these experiences tends to go hand in hand, if not over-shadow the…show more content…
Their human relation skills are sometimes altered, their differentiation of what is real life and what isn’t, confidence levels and much more.” Because of the importance of interacting with others to gain social competence, concerns have been raised that children who form “electronic friendships” with computers instead of friendships with their peers might be hindered in developing their interpersonal skills” (Kominski & Newburger, 1999). Children of this sort more often than not, crawl into a shell due to a lack of being able to approach others. Another problem that arises from computer use is that of a violent behavior, predominantly amongst young boys. “Popular Nintendo and Sega Genesis computer games found that nearly 80% of the games had aggression or violence as an objective” (Kominski & Newburger, 1999). At young ages, children who play these games may not have concrete differentiation of what is going on, and most likely out of curiosity want to try out what they see. In 1999, one of the first mainstream school shootings took place in Colorado, highlighting the violence blindly copied by children. “The

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