Coconut Oil Case Study

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Coconut Oil: 10 Secrets of Miraculous Coconut Oil for Your health and Beauty Coconut Oil: 1 10 Secrets of Miraculous Coconut Oil for Your health and Beauty 1 Introduction 3 Chapter 1: How Coconut Oil can Help Your Body 4 Have More Energy! 4 Beat Illness Fast 4 Helps with Weight Loss 5 A Happy Heart 5 Chapter 2: Beauty Miracles That Coconut Oil can do for You! 7 Under Eye Goodbye 7 The Best Anti-Aging Cream 7 Improves Hair Health 8 Chapter 3: Metal Benefits of coconut Oil…………………………………………..9 Helping Alzheimer’s Patients 9 Feed Your Brain 9 Fight Hormonal and Mental Imbalances 10 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………….12 Introduction I want to thank you and congratulate you for downloading the book, “Coconut oil: 10 Secrets of Miraculous…show more content…
So many people think that coconut oil is something you’re supposed to just ingest, but there are actually amazing beauty uses for coconut oil, and they can really help you improve the way you look. There are so many chemicals on the market today that involve chemicals that aren’t good for you, but this chapter will go over how you can us coconut oil in order to achieve amazing beauty results and have an even better outlook both physically and mentally. Beauty is important, because when you feel beautiful, you’ll feel good and confident. This chapter will help with that confidence by providing you with some amazing tips and tricks that can help you achieve the beauty that you want to…show more content…
It’s common when one gets older, and studies have shown that it’s because of a lowering level of glucose production in the brain. This causes mental slowness, and memory loss. However, with coconut oil, you can tackle this issue immediately. Ketones are present in coconut oil, and they actually are used to give energy to the brain. It’s an energy source for most cells, and if you take in coconut oil, you can help provide more energy to these cells in order to reduce symptoms of Alzheimer’s. It’s a great way to help improve your memory, and if you have someone who’s at risk for Alzheimer’s, then it’s best you get them on this now. It immediately starts to improve brain function, and these can help with mild forms of dementiaas well. They can also be therapeutic for those who have Alzheimer’s disease, which can help them improve over time. The fatty acids can provide relieving symptoms, and it can save a person’s life as well. Feed Your

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