Coca Cola Research Paper

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Coca-Cola Side Effects On Body Overview Coca- cola is considered by many people as the best drink after a tiresome workout or on a hot afternoon. On the contrary the health researchers consider it the most harmful drink for the health of an individual. However much water may be tasteless, its safety for the body doubles that of a sip of soda. Most people may have thought that soda is made from a fruit but the horrible truth is that its main ingredients are sugar and caffeine, substances that are not good for the body when taken in large quantities. The following are the specific effects of coca-cola; 1. Causes kidney problems Coca-cola contains artificial sweeteners that are used in place of sugar. Despite not being a natural sugar, it has…show more content…
This is clear evidence that soda could be the major cause of the illness. Coca-cola increases the blood sugar level making the body vulnerable to diseases such as diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure. Obesity is a route for fatal diseases such as heart problems and arthritis. Therefore, try replacing soda with any other fruit juice to ensure you remain on the safer side. 3. Causes brain problems An experiment to test the effect of coca-cola on the brain was conducted on rats due to their similar brain chemistry with the human brain. The rats who had not taken coca- cola found their way out easily than those who had taken. This is what led to the conclusion that coca-cola cause brain damage. The effect of coca-cola on the brain is like that of heroine so you can imagine what you will be doing to your brain by considering soda. It gives you immediate pleasure and later misery. 4. It lowers the strength of the immune…show more content…
When both of them are unhealthy your testimony for life experience will be negative. You might have thought acidic substance is very sour like lemon but coca-cola as sweet as it is has proven to be very acidic. Acidic body fluids can corrode or dissolve the bones and teeth very fast. The acidity of soda is due to the gases used to preserve them. 6. Lowers the rate of metabolism Excess of any kind of sugar slows down the body functions in the body including the brain and metabolism rate. It has also been found to destroy the enzymes that are responsible for burning down excess fats causing weight gain. One of the strategies of reducing weight is increasing metabolic rates, hence soda will be taking you one step behind in you struggle to decrease weight. 7. Can cause reproduction

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