Classroom Observation

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First year: The first year of this program is getting to know the program and whom the learning is done. The educators have the opportunity to write out their goals and objections. This helps them get to know themselves better and what all they want to learn from the program. Time utilization is important and it is something he or she will learn a long the way. While the first year will be challenging, they will appreciate it later. Starting the day is important. Time counts and lateness will not be acceptable. The educators will learn how to be teachers correctly and that includes being on time for their own classroom and being presentable to the students. The first year in training is always the hardest. Teachers are learning how…show more content…
8:30 AM: Lesson plans are turned in and accepted. Class time begins and that is when the observing begins. 9:20-11:20 AM: Teacher digs deep into the lesson. Observe gives teacher feedback for improvement and encouragement. Class time can include lessons and activities, whatever the teacher prefers. As long as he or she is following the requirements they can operate the classroom however they would like. 11:20 AM-1:30 PM: Lunch Break! After lunch, it is important to utilize this down time and meet with the mentor. This mentor is there to help you make improvements and to be encouraging. The feedback that will be given is to be positive and to influence greatness. This down time is also used to continue lesson planning and getting to know the curriculum and instruction. After completion, teacher can discuss some changes with coordination if needed. 1:30 PM-4:20 PM: Class time takes place, which involves discussion, activities, worksheets, reading out of the textbooks, questions and vocabulary. 4:20 PM: Day is…show more content…
Teachers have to take a test and it is important that they pass. If they do not pass they have to retake the program all over again. Teachers usually pass on the first try, but it is important that we do not take the chance to fail. Teachers will be evaluated constantly and will be given feedback that will help them in the future for when they have a classroom of their own. They will be doing a lot of reading and studying so that they can be successful at taking the tests. It is a good idea to have Fridays off so they can have a day of the week used for studying and meeting up with the mentor regularly so they can have the right amount of guidance needed to pass the course

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