Dualism In The Gospel Of Luke

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The three stories embedded in the tenth chapter of the Gospel of Luke all contain a similar underlying message but express it in different ways. In all three stories, the importance of the word of Jesus is emphasized and it appears that Jesus finds it to be key that the people listen to what he has to say and follow his word. Those who do not listen and/or follow the word of Jesus are to receive some sort of punished for it (whether it be big or small) which creates the idea that you are either with him or against him. This idea that there is either a right or a wrong falls under the sphere of dualism. Although dualism is explored the most in the three narratives, the concept of universalism is also touched. Jesus makes it fairly easy for anybody, anywhere to follow him and listen to his word but makes it clear that one must choose a side to be on. Jesus’ concern on spreading his teachings shows his value of universalism while his “with me or against me” view supports dualism. The first story in chapter ten of Luke describes Jesus sending out his Seventy Disciples to different towns in order to spread his word. He sends out his disciples in pairs and gives them specific rules to follow. In lines 8-10 Jesus says to his disciples, “Whenever you enter a town and its people welcome you, eat what is…show more content…
Jesus describes to one of his disciples what it means to be a “neighbor”, which he defines as someone who shows mercy to others. In this story, Jesus is emphasizing the idea of bad versus good. Those who ignore a person in need and do nothing to help are seen as “bad” while those who do are seen as “good”. Hence the common title of this story “The Good Samaritan”. The guidelines of being a “neighbor” can be followed by anyone and can be easily followed. By making this an unchallenging rule to follow, Jesus continues to show that his religion is open to

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