Dance Classroom Observation

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I had the privilege of watching the works of Dance Gallery Festival both nights with, in my opinion, the best seats in the house. Friday and Saturday I worked as an usher inside the house, and I was able to sit directly off stage in the vestibule to watch the performances. Although I was watching the same dances for both showings, each number looked different Saturday night, especially the piece Conversations, danced by Bliss Kohlmyer and Kara Davis. When the dancers first enter the stage the first thing I noticed was they were talking. One dancer would say a word or phrase and the other would respond with a different word or phrase relating to the previous. Essentially, they were have a conversation. Wearing nothing but a simple nude dresses with a blocked white pattern, they continued to move together in silence. The movement also represented the way a conversation would flow. One dancer would move and the other would respond in movements that were similar if in agreeance, or completely different if they disagreed. This continued, along with the talking back and forth, until the mood shifted when Bliss said to Kara “I think we should just be friends.” Shortly…show more content…
The way they spoke and moved through the entirety of the dance was as though the wanted to be together but were unsure. The hesitant movement seemed to come from not knowing if they wanted to be together, as well as being unsure of how to be together. The piece ended with Bliss walking of the stage after saying “or mine” as Kara gazed after her with a confused and longing expression. In that moment Bliss decided the love, or togetherness, they had been discussing was hers so she left, however, I do not believe their conversation was over. Judging by the look Kara gave her as she left, there will have to be some clarification of the resolution of their conversation at a later

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