Classroom Observation Report

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For my observation, I observed Center School in Longmeadow, Massachusetts. I was observing Erin Craft an educator who was teaching third graders in elementary school at Center School. When I first entered Erin Crafts classroom I instantly felt welcomed and she made the environment safe, respectful, and caring. Erin Crafts classroom was creative, colorful and was filed with several displays of helpful posters and children’s work. Her classroom had a very open layout that had one area designated to a library with a carpet and a few bean bags for the children to sit on. Her desk a table layout consisted of two tables in different areas of the room where the children can work with her in small collaborative groups. The student’s desks were combined…show more content…
One of the teachers that aided Erin Craft was an occupational therapist that worked directly with a few individuals. The other teacher was in the classroom as support to aid Erin Craft in helping all the students during lessons. He classroom mainly had a one teaches one support aspect involving the teacher's aid. In addition to the two aids, she told me on certain days for an hour a speech pathologist comes in to teach a lesson. Although help comes in to aid the students some students leave to a separate classroom or out to a special area in the hall for extra help. This usually lasts for an hour depending on the lesson the students are working on. Although some students were taken out of the classroom for special education or to work with the occupational therapist, some students in the classroom stayed because their disability did not inhibit their education. One prime example was one of the students had hearing aids in both ears, she was a low innocent disability and it did not interfere with her learning. However, the teacher did an activated system from light speed, which helped students hear better. Erin Craft had a mic attached to her on a lanyard and had the speaker set up near the student’s area of the room to make sure not only she could hear the teacher properly but ever student could as

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