North Carolina's Role In The Civil War

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The Civil War was a culmination of issues that were bound to erupt between Northern and Southern factions of the United States. The North and South both developed differing political beliefs as well as social cultures that led to opposition toward each faction. Prior to the Civil War, the South remained a primarily agricultural economy, while the North shifted into the direction of an industrialized economy. The North and South thus began to dissent on the issues of taxes, internal improvements, tariffs, and states’ rights. Slavery was one of the bigger issues that led to the outbreak of the Civil War along with the interruption of the union. North Carolina became one of the southern states to succeed from the union. Secession was also an issue…show more content…
Disease was also a cause for many casualties as well. While the Civil War was in place, North Carolina often faced mutiny. Thousands opposed North Carolina’s stance on the union. Astonishingly, of those who were in opposition to the North’s views and those who were against North Carolina, many of the men who fought were black. North Carolina played an important role during the Civil War. North Carolina was responsible for the war effort in many ways; the region produced crops that nourished Confederate forces, and in 1865, Wilmington provided access to the Ocean and Foreign trade. The state also contributed to other efforts as well. Late in the year of 1861, most of the northern region of North Carolina fell into the hands of the union, and a provisional government. Under the union, the ports strengthened their war effort as the Confederacy weakened drastically. More slaves crossed into union territories as the Confederates began to lose a lot of northern territory. In the early years of the Civil War, the northern region of North Carolina fell under the union. In 1862, Fort Macon and Fort Hatteras were captured while protecting the Hatteras

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