Case Study: Intelligent Design And Indeterminism

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Tokyo Christian University Asian Christian Theological studies of English Speakers u12186 Duncan Wasimbi Fourth Year Science and Religion Instructors: Dr. Joseph Poulshock, Dr. Treiber, Mr. Kumarasingham Term Paper July, 2016 Topic: Intelligent design and Indeterminism Introduction 1.The anthropic principle and its challenges The anthropic principle, also known as argument for the existence of God from design, describes nature as a result of fine tuning. This explanation seems to satisfy our inquiry of the wonders of nature and things that happen to the world that are beyond sense perception. It also takes into account the possibility of God intervening directly in the created order and also seems to go along other theories like…show more content…
Most challenges faced by proponents of the Anthropic Principle have made some to quit their career. Others who opted to remain put with unbreakable courage have chosen to speak of it in low tones and in private places. The quick appeal of intelligent design to theism has made natural scientists, like Alister Mcgrath to heavily criticize the inability of the Anthropic Principle to make new conversions to theism. They have argued that the Anthropic Principle is meant for a theistic worldview since it sounds apologetic due to an assumption that everybody holds the same theistic values. To make it worse, most scientists have tried to distance themselves from proponents of the Anthropic Principle, yet this discipline claims to be…show more content…
Intelligent design versus revelation Karl Barth argues in Church Dogmatics that we can only know about God from revelation. That nature does not necessarily provide anything that we can use to find God's truth. That the truth from God is not wide open to eye observation but that it is a hidden mystery that is only revealed to believers. This view questions the function of the scripture in communicating God's truth and how one would claim to have that revelation that Barths is talking about. Revelation itself is not something that can be proved by Science, neither is it something that can be seen by others apart from that whom its has been revealed to. This therefore creates a gap where anybody can claim anything and say that it has been revealed to them from God. Also, this kind of statement is slippery in the sense that it can’t be falsified. It does not antagonize other views on the anthropic principle, neither does it offer a working alternative other than the element of faith, which sceptical people won't

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