Christian University Experience

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An experience that has taken place in my life that would greatly influence my academic work and goals at Colorado Christian University is when I started coaching third and fourth grade football in 2011. My life has been an exhilarating journey up until I dedicated my life to Jesus. While attending high school from 2006 to 2010, I was far from God in my character, my lifestyle, and my overall attitude toward life. I was a troubled teen who, following the death of a close friend, abused drugs and alcohol in order to gain happiness and contentment. Even though I was raised by my Grandfather to love God and read my bible, I strayed from that path and chose my own direction. After my high school graduation, I got caught up in this bad lifestyle…show more content…
My perspective was radically changed and I called on Jesus to forgive me and to be my Lord and Savior. On September 28th, 2010, at the young age of 19, I fully gave my life to Jesus. Although that encounter was very transformational, there was still a lot of work to be done on my character development. Since I gave my life to Jesus, I have joined a church family and have faithfully served in some capacity, while also coaching youth sports, for over four years now. I read my Bible every morning and spend time in prayer to get to know Jesus more personally. He has given me the ability to be sober since 2010 and has walked with me through every phase that I’ve encountered during my Christian life. My relationship with Him isn’t dependent upon my devotion, service, discipline, or even my ability to remember Scripture, but on what He accomplished on the cross. When I depend upon the Holy Spirit who lives inside of me, Jesus is displayed for others to see, especially for the kids that I coach. Football kicked off for me in the fall of 2011, when I got an opportunity from Travis Chaney, a CEO and entrepreneur in my hometown, to help coach youth…show more content…
The greatest lesson I learned during the 2011 football season with the Daviess County Youth Football Chargers was humility. Without humility I can’t attain the goals I set for myself. Because of my past, I was not the most humble and obedient young man. I struggled with authority and being told what to do. Travis helped usher in humility for me, but the cost was not cheap. After a gruesome football game that ended in our defeat, I was very upset and went right at Travis. I was angry because he wasn’t letting me call all of the plays on offense and he was telling to team what to run. I was offended and responded like any other young buck would, I showed my antlers and tried to strike my way to prove that I was man enough. The repercussions of my actions took affect faster than I anticipated and I was crushed. Travis called me the next day, and very professionally and humbly told me that I no longer could coach on the Chargers football team. I was devastated. I sought out another mentor I had in my life at that time, Bo Barron, and Bo told me how to humble myself and how to make a change. Bo went to bat for me, and Travis gave me a second
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