The Trial Of Socrates In The Apology By Plato

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The book “Apology” is written by a philosopher named Plato. Plato was born into a wealthy family between 429 BC and 490 BC. He had two parents and four siblings. Since he was wealthy he was able to go to school and have a good education. When he grew older he founded the Academy of Athens where he taught Aristotle, another famous philosopher. The “Apology” is a written account of the trial of Socrates and what leads up to that. In the short story Socrates is trialed on two accounts: corrupting the youth and believing in false gods. The kind of ironic thing is that Socrates’ speech is definitely not an apology. In the “Apology” Socrates tries to defend himself of these acquisitions but in the end is proven guilty and thrown in jail. I believe that the book is called “Apology” because at the beginning of the trial he apologizes for not knowing the court system language. We believe that this account is historical accurate for the most part because at the beginning of the book Plato states that he was present at the trial.…show more content…
In his trial Socrates says “If I corrupt some young men and have corrupted others, then surely some of them who have grown older and realized that I gave them bad advice when they were young should now themselves come up here to accuse me and avenge themselves. If they were unwilling to do so themselves, then some of their kindred, their fathers or brothers or other relations should recall it now if their family had been harmed by me.” (Plato 37) In this quote Socrates is basically saying if he really did corrupt the youth then the men that have grown old and realized that he is corrupting them, then they would come up and testify against him but nobody was in attendance. What is proven here is that Socrates must have never corrupted the youth of

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