Organized Religion During The Middle Ages

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During the Middle Ages, organized religion played an major role in the history of Western Civilization. Religion extended its enormous power to the world and influenced not only governments but also every area of medieval society in three positive ways: beliefs of the people, education developments, and religious art establishment. Organized religion influenced over the beliefs of the people, and it also wielded even immense political power. The papacy was so powerful during the Middle Ages. The evidence was that at the time Muslim had controlled the Holy Land since the seventh century. By the end of eleventh century, there are some tension between Muslim and Christianity that spurred the Crusades. Muslim Turks defeated Byzantine Empire’s armies and stopped Christian pilgrims to visit…show more content…
In Islamic history, the Mosque became the long and rich intellectual tradition. In the reign of the second caliph Umar, every child would access to this education at five, and the narrators were responsible to for reciting the Quran. These institutions of learning were supported by religious endowments. The education would become more advanced in some larger mosques where people had opportunities to learn Arabic grammar, poetry, logic, algebra, biology, history, law, and theology (Salah Zaimeche). On the other hand, in Christianity, there were monasteries spread throughout Europe during the Middle Ages. They were the centers of learning and would transfer to universities. These medieval universities were create and controlled by the church, so most European intellectuals were monks. In the 14th century, there were three main types of schools: the elementary song-school, the monastic school and the grammar school where the sons from rich families would attend (John Simkin). Entering the church as a monk or priest was an opportunity to study and
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