Chinese Brand Case Study

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Creation of a Chinese brand can be a challenging task. Some companies have been very successful with their Chinese name having that the name not only sounds like their original name but as it also translates well. For instance coca cola or their Chinese name Ke Kou Ke Le, translates to “happiness in the mouth” and it sounds like coca cola. Pepsi cola or bai si ker le in Chinese gives out the meaning “a hundred joyous events”. Usually companies translate their names to mandarin or pudonghua. Even though the most used language used in china is mandarin people in different regions speak in different dialects. Therefore it is necessary that companies take careful measures in translation of their brand names inorder to avoid misunderstanding.…show more content…
However it did not succeed. It took off only when the company organized in store demonstrations to the Chinese consumers. The use of demonstration boosted sales by 300%. China is a collectivist society where people prefer to act as a group. To maintain harmony within these groups individual should abide certain behavioral codes. As risk taking is regarded as challenging to the group interests risk taking is discouraged which leads to Chinese consumer not experimenting new products. Brand loyalty In China brand loyalty is relatively weak as the Chinese consumer does not develop emotional ties with the product. A research which was conducted by Gallup shows that the average Chinese consumer is mainly concerned about the price and quality of the product rather than its brand. If they chose branded goods it is because they perceive them of being high quality apart from being status symbols. Price…show more content…
Mianzi or “face” refers to the individuals value or reputation in the eyes of others. Consumers with high face consciousness has social needs and pays more attention towards the products eccentric (e.g., brand, prestige) and intrinsic attributes (e.g., quality, value) to express their image, position and feeling towards a group. Due to this the average Chinese consumer may defer consumption of a certain product inorder to buy a high priced branded product. As a social gesture rather than expressing their internal selves the Chinese consumer is more likely to consume luxury goods. A name-brand product would bring face to the consumer because of the brand’s high social recognition (Tse, 1996). Frequently seeking low priced goods by a person may be perceived as cheap by others. As the Chinese consumer wants to avoid losing face they limit their low priced goods purchases regardless of their

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