Children Act 2004

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We have to have a law because children die and so the changes can be made to safeguard children. It is the Duty of Care to follow the legislation and guidelines to keep the children safe. Legislation fails when policies and procedures are not followed and children end up dying. The Children Act 2004 provides the legal basis for how social services and other agencies deal with issues relating to children. These guidelines have been laid down for all the settings so that all individuals who are involved in the looking after children, weather being looked after at home, the work place, school or other places are aware of how children should be looked after in the eyes of the law. The Children Act 2004 has been designed with guiding principles…show more content…
By having the Legislation, policies and procedures you allow children to be healthy, allow children to remain safe in their environments, helping children to enjoy life and assist children in their quest to succeed in life. You help make a contribution – a positive contribution – to the lives of children and help achieve economic stability for our children’s futures. It is important to have legislation, policies and procedures in practice so that you can protect children from abuse and harm as they are vulnerable and they have a right to be protected because they are very young to understand for themselves about having a good and bright future as well as staying safe. Also attitudes and behaviours of parents, carers and teachers have changed towards children such as smacking or punishing children for being in trouble which used to happen a lot in the past. Most importantly it is good to have the Legislation, policies and procedures so that human error does not arise and that all the practitioners and people who work with children know a law which to follow and the guidelines to help them how to safeguard…show more content…
To find out how the child died and how they could have stopped the child to die. To improve intra and inter-agency working. Also to safeguard and promote the welfare of children in a better way. To identify clear understanding and lessons between and within agencies. Also to review the timescale of a case and how they will be acted on as well as what is expected to change as a result. They are also required to see what changes can be made in the future to stop this taking place and to know how it can be dealt with in a better way. Allyn and Bacon ( 2002, p219) State “The dynamics of maltreatment are complex, and the complexity is highlighted when the social service system becomes involved. These helping professionals strive to refine the intervention process so as to cause the least harm and upset for the already traumatized child”. Therefore these efforts will become more successful because the professionals can continue to assess the intervention process by looking into the case reviews. All agencies that work with children and young people and their families take all the responsibility to ensure that any risk of harm and abuse is minimized to children’s welfare therefore serious case reviews are required all agencies take appropriate actions to go over and see what could have been done to save the child and how it

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