Critical Pedagogy Summary

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1. Matthews, C. (2014) Critical Pedagogy in Health Education Retrieved on September 8, 2015 from This journal analyzed how the three-phase model of critical pedagogy by Paulo Freire, can best be utilized for health education. The authors conducted scholarly/qualitative review of health education, health promotion and critical pedagogy literature. The authors searched and analyzed a combination of relevant books, journal articles and theories in regards to health education, health promotion, critical pedagogy and Freire. The results were combined with the authors’ teaching experience to establish the benefits if the three-phase model of critical pedagogy to health education. 2. McCormack-Brown,…show more content…
The author opined that health education programs could be improved through research opportunities for students for students in the field because research experiences encourage students to pursue careers in health education. 3. Burgeson C., Wechsler H., Brener N., Young J., and Spain C. (2001) Physical Education and Activity: Results from the School Health Policies and Programs Study Journal of School Health 2001, Volume 71, No. 7, Page 279 This article highlights the benefits physical activity programs, physical, intramurals and sports initiatives at schools. The researchers emphasize how health and physical education policies and programs in classroom at all levels United States can enhance students’ health. To promote health and physical education, comprehensive teacher development and resources at all levels are prerequisites to improve the chances students becoming physically and healthy…show more content…
The purposes of this exploratory qualitative research were to describe perceptions related to childhood obesity of rural parents, teachers, and school administrators and to examine how their perceptions shape their choices and behaviors for children's eating and physical exercise. The results showed that the perceptions of childhood obesity in the community differed among school administrators, teachers, and parents. There were also distinct differences in the aspects of the practices that each group focused on for children's healthy eating and physical activities. Their practices seemed to be influenced by their perceptions of childhood obesity. Challenges for addressing childhood obesity are identified. 5. Balog, J. (2015) Economic Disruption and Childhood Obesity: Distraction, Disconnection, Displacement of Children's Health, and a Need for Social Change Retrieved on September 8, 2015 from
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