Mcdonalds And Children: Mcdonald's Impact On Children

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That way a several deceptive marketing techniques are used in one commercial. The situation seems to be even worse, concidering the fact, that McDonald’s for decades was investigating children’s preferences and has even more to apply in its promotion. In expectation of McDonald’s shareholder gathering in February 2011, Corporate Accountability International initiated a campaign to fire, the clown mascot for the last 50 years, Ronald McDonald, and make the restaurant stop marketing aimed at children. Still, he never got axed and the clown is a main symbol of the company nowadays. According to the book «Fast Food Nation» 96% of American schoolchildren know Ronald McDonald, that is making him the most recognizable symbol of food industry; on the part of recognition among fictional characters, he is second only to Santa Claus. Moreover, food wrapped in its original packaging from McDonald's, seems to children six times more attractive than the same products in conventional packaging. These are the results of a study conducted at Stanford University. The study was conducted to assess the impact of McDonald’s advertising on the minds of children of preschool age. It was found that children believe food tastes better if they think that it has been made by a large company with well-known…show more content…
The child is difficult to refuse, especially now, when the parents are very busy and because of this, are tormented by the feeling of guilt with regards to the "abandoned children". The McDonald's system of children’s attraction is thought out carefully: children's playgrounds, birthday parties, sharing small bonuses among kids standing in a queue with their mothers, attention and patience from staff. All of the above is directed to the child, and his mother - McDonald's seems to be very well aware of the law "if you want a woman to love you, love her

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