Shapiro-Wilk Case Study Solution

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Product risks The risks associated with the quality and price of the product and services include the accuracy and up-to-date information provided on the product (such as product characteristics, quality, product inventory and guarantee and warranty), ensuring compliance with product and service features with specified specifications, being real the price and its correspondence with the amount specified on the website, timely delivery of goods, and avoiding delayed delivery, appropriate methods for sending goods such as sending and packaging methods (Titkanlou, Ghorbani, Vahidifar, Darban Astaneh, 2009, and Nouri, Siamak, Fathian Titkanlou, 2007). the guarantees of the electronic payment processing system The payment guarantee services: One…show more content…
The alternative hypothesis: There is statistically significant difference between the distribution of the desired variable data and the normal distribution (the distribution of the desired variable data is not normal). According to the output of Table 1, since the significance level of all indices is more than 0.05, it can be claimed that the distribution of the data is normal with 95% confidence (the null hypothesis was accepted). Therefore, the confirmatory factor analysis technique can be used using the LISREL software. Figure 1 shows the confirmatory factor analysis of the success factors of the e-commerce model in the standard estimation: Figure 1. Confirmatory factor analysis of the success factors of the e-commerce model in the standard estimation The symbols used in the model are presented in Table

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