Character Analysis Of The Great Gatsby

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An eloquent story about one man trying to achieve the American Dream ends in death and sorrow. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is about a wealthy man named Jay Gatsby trying to achieve the American Dream in the 1920s. His dream was nearly complete- he almost had the girl of his dreams- until it was all taken away by exposure and death. Throughout the novel, multiple characters with different personalities are introduced, and some go through a few major changes. Coincidentally, Jay Gatsby is the character that is impacted the most by the events in the novel. The changes are most clearly seen with Gatsby reuniting with Daisy Buchanan, and the fight at the hotel between Tom Buchanan and Gatsby. To begin with, Gatsby’s personality…show more content…
Reuniting with Daisy and fighting with Tom are two major events that clearly shows how Gatsby changes. Jay Gatsby was a man who could impact people’s lives on his own, as Nick notes. However, because the information about the events is given by Nick, a man who is unbiased and honest, the reader is given all the information on Gatsby, including his past. Gatsby came from a farming family, found Dan Cody, got 25,000 dollars after Cody’s death, and began working different jobs in order to keep that money. His American Dream began to take full form after meeting Daisy, who he revolved his whole world around. After he leaves for war and came back to find Daisy, he became a bootlegger since he used every penny to get to Louisville. After that, he got rich and bought the mansion across from Daisy, hoping to one day catch her eye and have her go back to him. He almost succeeds, until Tom exposes Gatsby in front of Daisy, and Gatsby cannot come up with a lie to make himself look better. After that, he is at home, depressed, and is killed by an avenging George Wilson, who turns the gun on himself after killing Gatsby. Gatsby was hopeful and suave when Nick first meets him. After seeing Daisy again, he becomes nervous and cautious. Then, to make sure their relationship will not be exposed prematurely, Gatsby fires his staff and replaces them with Wolfsheim’s men, showing secrecy and almost slyness. When confronting Tom, he is boastful and confident that he will have Daisy. Finally, after being exposed and rejected by Daisy, he becomes depressed and broken. Gatsby has been through a lot in the novel, and each interaction with Nick shows a different personality from the last one. Gatsby, though he may have created the events, is the character that is impacted the

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