The Great Gatsby Alcoholism

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which hindered him from concentrating on his job. Like the author, Gatsby also experienced many challenges from alcoholism, despite the existing legislation against alcohol during that time. The effects of alcoholism on Gatsby were evident in many bad things that happened after drinking. For instance, Gatsby argues with Tom in the hotel suite after drinking, thus making him lose Daisy. Tom also breaks the nose of Myrtle due to the influence of alcohol (Fitzgerald 87). Critical analysis of the two characters shows that alcohol contributed significantly towards their downfall. Alcohol addiction hindered Fitzgerald from holding a job or carrying on with his publications successfully. Fitzgerald and Gatsby met Zelda and Daisy while they were in…show more content…
A critical analysis of the story shows that the author has presented Nick as having many character traits. At the beginning of the story, Nick informs the readers that he has learned from his father to suspend judgment (which is an essential element for objectivity), making him a sympathetic, understanding, good listener full of decency” (Perosa, 62). Nick is the narrator and as such, the story is seen through his eyes. He keeps his thoughts of the ‘new money’ folks of West Egg and the ‘old money’ folks of East Egg to himself. This allows him to look in from the outside, enabling him to socialize with those that he may not otherwise socialize with; by reserving of all judgments. Likewise, Fitzgerald did much the same, reserving all judgments while amongst the Ivy League men and businessmen in his social circle for they may have built their new found wealth via unethical means. “This was the world Fitzgerald grew up in, desiring all the intensity of his nature to succeed according to its standards and always conscious of hovering socially on the edge of it, alternating between assertion and uncertainty because of his acute awareness that his foothold was unsure” (Mizener, 13). However, Nick loses his intention with the progress of the novel because he adopts new characters and fails to keep the promise. It’s a reflection of the author’s personality because, “all his life, he depended on his belief that he could hold the part of himself that responded to experiences without restraint and the morally responsible part of himself, the spoiled priest, in reasonable balance” (Mizener, 30). However, he engages in many irresponsible behaviors such as binge drinking, which affects his success significantly. Drinking was the order of the day because it is a necessary action to keep the couple together (Bryer, Margolies and Prigozy 205). However, his numerous character
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