The Importance Of Fandom Culture

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Fandom is performative, projecting a range of cultural practices that constitute fan’s social formations. In the context of cultural community, fandom involves cultural works that are based on the fan’s performance that are shared with others. These performances are constructed by the norms within the fan culture. The cultural works within the fandom are treated as cultural artifacts that asserted the fan’s identity. “Fans of a popular television series [and/or film] may sample dialogue, summarize episodes, debate subtexts, create original fan fiction, record their own soundtracks, make their own movies” (Jenkins, 2004, 34). It can be derived that variety of media and cultural texts were produced and may be produced from the participative fandom culture as a new form of cultural artifacts. Meanwhile, through the productivity of…show more content…
The term interpretative community was rooted from a literary theorist named Stanley Fish. He established this notion in his book “Is There a Text in this Class?” (1980), believing that the reader holds a core position both in shaping and producing the meaning of literary works where according to him, reader’s experiences affects their interpretation of a text. In his study, Fish (1980) divided the act of reading texts into two (2) categories in accordance with the reading strategies of the reader enabling him/her to interpret the text and define it. First, the same reader interprets different text differently. Second, different readers may interpret the same text similarly. Geographical location is not an obstacle in an interpretative community, referring to Fish’s description; interpretative communities are those which are made up of those with shared interpretative strategies. Thus, without restraining these partaking of strategies, it can be derived that interpretation can happen anywhere as long as people are engaged in similar reference or interpretative

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